Southwest Greens is made of high-quality synthetic materials that raise the B.A.R. (Bounce, Aim, and Roll). Our Golden Bear Turf is our top-tier product with respect to appearance and playability among synthetic turf products. This high-level artificial turf rolls, responds, and receives shots like world-class golf courses. Shot after shot, Golden Bear has the finest aim of any putting surface. Playability is so lifelike you will swear you’re on traditional grass.

Southwest Greens of Illinois is a leading in artificial turf installation for everything from backyard putting greens to professional practice facilities. Southwest Greens experts have created more than 6,000 professional-caliber golf greens and tee lines all over the world. Our exclusive partnership with Nicklaus Designs affords us a library of over twenty designs ranging from 500 to 5,000 square feet. Our design team can customize any green to match your needs, which will give you a renowned Golden Bear design tailored specifically for your own space. Whichever surface you decide on, you can rest assured that you will get fantastic playability, premium materials built to last, and expert installation you can rely on.
Our artificial golf greens can be seen not only in Naperville homes as home putting greens and parks but also on premium golf courses, too. You can find our putting greens at organizations such as The Hong Kong Golf and Tennis Academy and the Top of the Rock Golf Course in Missouri. Some of our commercial customers include Bentley, Google, Samsung, Waldorf Astoria, and Peter Millar.

Endorsements from over 55 PGA stars, such as the Golden Bear himself, Jack Nicklaus, Sam Burns|, Rickie Fowler, Annika Sörenstam, and Hale Irwin, attest to the professional quality of our construction. Innovations over two decades have allowed us to create unique artificial grass putting styles, fringes, and cup designs. Golf Digest recognized our greens with the very first Best Synthetic Putting Greens award in 2016 for our putting turf. Ever since this first award, we’ve received that same award each year for our dedication to excellence with our premium products.
Thanks to our love for golf, we have mastered the art of artificial putting greens that accept the ball correctly, roll true, and look and feel like the real thing — whether you’re playing a public golf course or a home putting green. If you’re considering a putting green with an authentic look and feel, complete with undulations, bunkers, breaks, and turf blending — everything you might want. Southwest Greens of Illinois is sure to deliver the perfect solution.
Check out all of our artificial greens for Naperville: